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Our Capoeira program is led by Mestre Ninja, who has 25+ years of experience in the art, and several Professors under him. During the duration of our program you will learn kicking drills, sequences with an opponent, gymnastics, and music. Students learn to sing in Portuguese and play a variety of percussion instruments.  Each class offers options for any level, from beginner to advanced. 

Capoeira is also heavily focused on Community! Students gather outside class hours, stay after class to chat, and each student is even given a Capoeira nickname!

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To book our team for a performance: (913) 220-2153
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"When I started training Capoeira, I was overweight, out of shape, and terribly shy.  I stuck with it, and now I feel great, have more confidence, and can't wait to train. Capoeira has not only given me better health but also a new network of friends around the country.  I surprise myself every day with what my body and mind can accomplish."

Kari "Piu-Piu" Johnson

History of The Art

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art with deep historical roots. Starting in the colonial period, and disguised as a dance, Capoeira was a way for slaves to join together to fight the oppressive slave owners. In Brazil, Capoeira symbolizes the fight for freedom, inclusion, equality, justice, mass education, and hope for a better life.

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